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Auxiliary Groups

As part of our mission and the five pillars of membership, the Chamber helps to foster and facilitate networking groups and committees.

Key among those are the Campbell Young Professionals and the Health & Wellness Committee.

Campbell Young Professionals

Vision: To be the most desirable and sustainable young professionals network in Santa Clara County.

Mission: To create a culture of diversity and a sense of community through young professionals with the passion and drive to be productive human beings who will positively impact generations to come.



M | Motivate

I | Inspire

N | Nurture

D | Develop

S | Succeed

E | Educate

T | Transform


Why You Should Join

Networking: Discover unique individuals like yourself through networking events and mixers, allowing you to build long-standing relationships with other young professionals.

Philanthropy: Impacting our community by creating a philanthropic mindset that reminds us to continue to live our lives with humility and gratitude.

Mentorship: Create professional and personal opportunities for self-development, allowing you to continue your growth to success. “If you are not learning, you are not growing.”

Health & Wellness Committee

Mission: To create a committee of Chamber members within the health and wellness space who advocate and educate workplace wellness by promoting stress and mental health management.


Why Join the Committee

  • Create a weekly health newsletter among the members of the committee that provides the other members of the Chamber access to important health advice and tips. Also provides the opportunity for those within the committee to promote themselves and their services.
  • Set up educational and informative health workshops to demonstrate the different services those among the committee provide. Great opportunity to promote overall health and wellness as well as to promote service to a wide audience.
  • Committee can help promote workplace wellness by promoting stress and mental health management.
  • Committee can provide the members within it the opportunity to network with those within the same industry.

Benefits of Auxillary Group Memberhsip

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